Where should clothing zipper bags go? After using a certain product, we may often get used to throwing it into the trash can. Little do you know what its ultimate destination will be? I don't know what kind of harm it will cause to nature and humans? I don't know if it can be recycled and reused?
So, many problems followed one after another. Clothing zipper bags are thin films made of polyethylene polymers. Without the addition of degradation agents or other environmentally friendly materials, they are not easily degradable and may take up to hundreds of years to decompose. Plastic bags like this can cause great harm to nature and human health, which is why the government has issued a document to strictly ban plastic, while also maintaining sustainable development.
Plastic packaging still has a long way to go, and currently the trend is towards "green" packaging, such as biodegradable and renewable non-toxic materials. Consumers should be aware of whether the packaging they carry contains harmful additives or chemicals.
Reducing carbon emissions means developing more clean energy or applying renewable energy. Degradable plastics refer to plastics that can self degrade under natural conditions in a relatively short period of time. Water degradable plastics are made by adding water absorbing molecules to the plastic, which can be dissolved in water after use. They are mainly used in medical and sanitary appliances for easy destruction and disinfection.
随着现代生物技术的发展,生物降解越来越受到重视,已成为研究探索的新热门。因而,回收利用越来越被广泛提及,同时如何分类回收也大力推广开了。 倘若在生产服装拉链袋中添加些生物降解料,那样就不会时间久了不分解,也不用担心危害大自然和人体了。
With the development of modern biotechnology, biodegradation is receiving increasing attention and has become a new hot topic for research and exploration. Therefore, recycling is increasingly being widely mentioned, and at the same time, how to classify and recycle has also been vigorously promoted. If some biodegradable materials are added to the production of clothing zipper bags, it will not decompose for a long time, and there is no need to worry about harming nature and human health.
This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan OPP self-adhesive bags. For more related knowledge, please click: http://www.sxsuliao.com/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with excellent service. We will gradually contribute more knowledge to you. Please stay tuned