食品商会购买大量的食品济南包装袋。使用正确、合适的济南塑料袋可以更好地保护食品安 全,使包装更加美观,更能吸引消费者。但是现在有很多种食品塑料包装袋,也有很多用来制作食品塑料包装袋的材料。所以为了保证食品的安 全,必 须严格在验收时。检验济南食品包装袋的要求是什么?
The food chamber of Commerce buys a large number of food packaging bags. Using correct and appropriate Jinan plastic bags can better protect food safety, make the packaging more beautiful and attract consumers. But now there are many kinds of food plastic bags, and there are also many materials used to make food plastic bags. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of food, it must be strictly at the time of acceptance. What are the requirements for inspecting Jinan food packaging bags?
在验收单层食品包装袋时,外观应无有害气泡、穿孔、水分、面筋、塑料缺 陷、鱼眼僵硬等缺 陷。规格、宽度、长度和厚度的偏差应在规定的范围内。物理机械性能包括抗拉强度和断裂伸长率,它们反映了产品在使用过程中的抗拉能力。
When accepting the single-layer food packaging bag, the appearance shall be free of harmful bubbles, perforation, moisture, gluten, plastic defects, fish eye stiffness and other defects. The deviation of specification, width, length and thickness shall be within the specified range. Physical and mechanical properties include tensile strength and elongation at break, which reflect the tensile capacity of the product in use.
Jinan food packaging bag is easy to be damaged during use. The composite film of food plastic packaging bag has a flat appearance without scratch, burn, blister, oil crack and wrinkle. The heat seal is flat without false seal. There shall be no cracks, pores and composite layers between the films. No impurities, foreign matters, oil stains and other pollution. In addition, the bagged soaking solution shall not have peculiar smell, peculiar smell, turbidity and decolorization, and the requirements for plastic packaging bags for food packaging are very strict.
必 须是无害的,符合法律法规的规定,符合相应的强制性标准。但是,包装必 须有明确的标识:商标、许可证、产地、工厂地址、企业名称、生产日期和产品的主要组成部分。
It must be non-toxic and harmless, comply with the provisions of national laws and regulations and corresponding mandatory standards. However, the packaging must be clearly marked: trademark, license, place of origin, factory address, enterprise name, production date and main components of the product.
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