





  1. 方便袋
  2. 连卷袋/撕拉袋/拉链袋
  3. OPP塑料袋
  4. 平口袋/直立袋
  5. 手工异形袋/缩口塑料袋
  6. 扣手袋/手挽袋/服装袋
  7. 罩衣袋
  8. 气垫膜袋
  9. 塑料薄膜
  10. 抗静电塑料袋
发布于:2020/06/20 人们在日常生活中常常会用到各种各样塑料袋来盛装食品、存储物品以及垃圾等,但塑料袋不仅本身会释放有害气体,尤其是盛装熟食时,常常会发生变质,从而释放各种对人体有害物质,特别是儿童由于处在生长发育关键时期,影响尤为突出。学会鉴别塑料袋,不仅可以物尽其用,还可以避免受到不必要的伤害。
People often use a variety of plastic bags to contain food, storage items and garbage in their daily life, but plastic bags not only release harmful gases, especially when they are filled with cooked food, they often deteriorate, so as to release various harmful substances to human body, especially children, because they are in a critical period of growth and development, the impact is particularly prominent. Learn to identify plastic bags, not only to make the best use of everything, but also to avoid unnecessary injury.
Most colored plastic bags are made of recycled materials. They will be dyed when they are re synthesized. Such plastic bags will contain various harmful substances, especially black plastic bags, which are not suitable for containing food.
Transparent plastic bags mainly include polyethylene (PE) plastic bags and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic bags. The food is mainly made of PE, and PVC itself has no toxicity. However, in the process of processing, various additives are often added according to different purposes, resulting in toxicity. In the identification, PE will float on the bottom of the water due to its lower density, while PVC will float on the bottom of the water due to its higher density It will not float up, and can be distinguished by sinking in water. At the same time, PE is easy to burn, the flame is yellow, PVC is not easy to burn, the flame is green, and there is an irritant smell. At present, most of the disposable transparent plastic bags used in breakfast shops are PVC plastic bags. According to relevant data, when the temperature of PVC plastic bags exceeds 50 degrees, heavy metals and other harmful substances will be released, and when the temperature exceeds 80 degrees, they will dissolve. At the same time, alcohol and grease will dissolve the harmful substances in PVC, so they are not suitable to contain such food.
Even food grade plastic bags can not be used in high temperature environment, and there will also be overflow of plastic agents, which is not conducive to human health. However, even if such plastic bags are provided by businesses, it is difficult to explain to ordinary consumers how much high temperature they can withstand, and it is also difficult for consumers to verify how much high temperature they can withstand. Therefore, the safest way is to choose glass Glass or ceramic products to contain all kinds of food.
What are the hazards of disposable plastic bags?
1. Plastic bags themselves release harmful gases. Especially cooked food, after being packed in plastic bags, often deteriorates. The effect of spoiled food on children's healthy development is particularly prominent.
2. The recycling value of plastic bags is relatively low, which causes "visual pollution" in the process of use except for scattered in urban streets, tourist areas, water bodies, roads and railways.
3. The waste plastic products which enter into the domestic garbage with the landfill can be degraded in 200 years if they are landfilled. Moreover, plastic bags, which use oil as raw material, not only consume a lot of resources, but also can not be decomposed. Buried underground will pollute land and rivers.
4. Affecting agricultural development. The continuous accumulation of waste plastic products mixed in the soil will not only occupy a large amount of land, but also the occupied land will not be restored for a long time, affecting the sustainable use of land, affecting the absorption of nutrients and water by crops, leading to crop yield reduction.
5. Burning plastic bags will produce toxic gases, which will make a small part of the land unable to be planted, so they will be burned in places where no one lives. The smoke produced by burning plastic bags will produce carcinogens, which is extremely harmful to people's health.
6. It is a threat to the survival of animals. Waste plastic products discarded on land or in water are swallowed by animals as food, resulting in animal death. Such things are common in zoos, pastoral areas, rural areas and oceans.
7. In addition, many of the phthalate derivatives are lipids, which are insoluble in water, but soluble in heated food or fatty food. Therefore, I would like to remind you that if you use plastic bags as food packaging materials, you should be very careful when using them, and try not to use them to contain hot food and vegetables.
8. In the farmer's market, stall owners often use thick black plastic bags to hold slaughtered poultry, fish and other food. This kind of plastic bag is a product that has been recycled and reprocessed for many times. It contains a variety of toxic dissolving agents and other poisons. It is easy to be mixed into the newly slaughtered animals and will cause corresponding damage to human body.




